Too much stuff can be overwhelming. Is there a simple way to declutter your life? Try focusing on one thing like closet organization, not your entire house. To declutter home essentials can be another battle itself and your budget. Discover how we get back to the basics when it comes to creative decluttering. Apply these easy tips to your small apartment and living room. Participate in our declutter challenge and receive a FREE printable! Be clutter free! #declutter #declutteryourlife #organize

A Simple and Easy Way to Declutter Your Life

In Budget, Cleaning, Home, Organization, Organization by Kim Calderon7 Comments

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This post may include “affiliate links,” wherein we receive a small commission if you make a purchase using the link. However, all opinions are our own and we only endorse or link to products and services that we genuinely recommend. Please see our full disclosure.

Too much stuff can be overwhelming. Is there a simple way to declutter your life? Try focusing on one thing like closet organization, not your entire house. To declutter home essentials can be another battle itself and your budget. Discover how we get back to the basics when it comes to creative decluttering. Apply these easy tips to your small apartment and living room. Participate in our declutter challenge and receive a FREE printable! Be clutter free! #declutter #declutteryourlife #organize

The stress of having too much stuff can be overwhelming. So there has to be a simple way to declutter your life, right?  Anything would be better than having to deal with cleaning up the mess that awaits you.

We all wish there was a magic cleaning crew that would pick up and put away the random piles. Sigh…. if only. Instead, you have to make a conscious effort to tackle the entire house when you realize it is getting out of hand. Is there an easy solution? Is there a magic cleaning crew? I really wish.

Instead,  we all have to accept the fact it is up to us to make sure everything stays in order. Our lives involve cleaning, putting food on the table, running errands, taking the kids to practice, going to church, going to work, etc. It’s too much sometimes. Why can’t decluttering your home be easier?

I have experienced this overwhelming sensation often and have decided to challenge myself to declutter my life.

I really could dive deep into purging everything in my home, but this challenge isn’t about getting rid of tons of clutter in your home. We need to focus on gaining some functionality and taking away the stress of seeing clutter all the time.

A Simple and Easy Way to Declutter Everyday

We all need the reminder to put things away.  That’s why I created this pretty, little reminder to make sure I follow guidelines so my home is clutter free.

A Simple Way to Declutter Your Life

Isn’t it cute?! This is a free printable! If you would like this for your own home sign up below for our five-day challenge and you will receive this download.

Let’s get started…

#1. Start Small

If you want to do an ultimate purge you have all the power to go ahead but please hear me out before you start.

We all know how good it feels when we get rid of clutter. Furthermore, before you go crazy ripping apart rooms, take a step back and look at your situation. Rather than charging the beast head on start small so you don’t get overwhelmed. Create a declutter checklist of things you see on a daily basis that you know need to e put away.

Every day you want to make sure your high traffic areas in your house are free of clutter. My high traffic areas include the kitchen, family room, and home office. Start by putting away things you know have a designated spot. This will help relieve initial stress after you walk into a cluttered room.

#2. Don’t Clean

I know I can get a little ambitious and want to make everything spotless as I’m decluttering. Sometimes you really should only focus on one main goal. My advice, DON’T CLEAN, only declutter and once you are finished give everything a wipe down. This will make sure you declutter your house quickly.

#3. Follow your Guidelines to Declutter Fast

You know those guidelines in the picture above? Follow them (or create your own guidelines) every day! A declutter checklist goes a long way! This will help make sure you are decluttering each room on a daily basis. This will make it go by fast and get everything decluttered quickly. You can complete all of these guidelines in 15 mins per room. Haul butt and get it done.

Simple, Right?

I know this isn’t an in-depth post to solve a problem instantly. This was only meant to remind you not to over complicate it. I usually have that problem and consequently, I tend to make a project more involved than it should be. I’m a firm believer in working smarter, not harder. We need that reminder if we want to ensure we achieve functionality in our home. This is something to keep in the back of your mind while you declutter your home. life, and get rid of stuff.

If you want something a little more detailed that gives you more of a challenge sign up below for my declutter challenge.

This post may include “affiliate links,” wherein we receive a small commission if you make a purchase using the link. However, all opinions are our own and we only endorse or link to products and services that we genuinely recommend. Please see our full disclosure.

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Kim is a wife and a stay at home mom who loves spending time with her little boy. She likes managing her home and seeking out ways to improve her way of living.


  1. Pingback: Decorating | Why Decorating Make You Feel Good

  2. I have been dealing all my life with to much clutter in my home. I found getting rid of stuff you don’t need. Get rid of it. Through it a way or donate it. Then do a good cleaning job.

  3. I am always looking for difffertant ways to clean out clutter to make my house look better. Let me no any other ways for decluter and cleaning ideals.

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