Is Minimalism for Me?

Is Minimalism for Me?

In Cleaning, Decor, Home, Kitchen, Organization, Organization, Projects, Time by Kim CalderonLeave a Comment

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Minimalism can be a hard thing to achieve. Being a minimalist is a way of life and a minimalism lifestyle helps you achieve a minimalist bedroom or better yet, a minimalist home. Declutter your life with a minimalism home. Practice minimalism with kids by cleaning, declutter and organize, decluttering ideas home. Decluttering ideas minimalism starts now! #declutter #minimalism #declutterandorganize #clutterfree #minimalismideas #minimalismhome #minimalist

Have you heard of this thing called minimalism? Are you overwhelmed with too many things cluttering up your home? Do you feel like you have an abundance of stuff? This constant cycle of accumulating more junk seems to never end. So how can I fix this problem? Today, we talk about my journey into minimalism and how it has impacted my way of living.


If you haven’t heard of minimalism it isn’t a new term but has been gaining popularity more in the home decor world. Other forms of minimalism are in art and writing. I’m sure there are tons of other examples of minimalism but for the sake of this post, we are going to concentrate on living minimally.

My Adventure into Minimalism

Over the past few years, I have had a changed mindset. I have been actively trying to accumulate less stuff. There are plenty of examples of people living minimally through photos you see on the internet. When I first started noticing these pictures I was intrigued. I would think to myself that it must be nice to live in a clean, clutter-free home and not have to worry about piles of junk on the counters or tripping over stacks of toys. Why can’t I have that?

Wait, I can.

My lightbulb went off when I had this realization. I don’t have to deal with the piles of junk if I can get rid of the piles of junk. I can achieve that clean looking, minimal lifestyle. What I had to keep telling myself is that it will not happen overnight and to be ok with it being a long journey.

I think that’s the problem that most people face when starting this huge life change. They want it to happen instantly and don’t want to be patient. Don’t get me wrong, it can happen instantly. As long as you are ok with throwing away almost everything you own. It comes down to a mental shift. If you want to throw everything away then good for you. For most of us, that just isn’t possible. We like to hold on to sentimental things or things that could be useful.

It is hard to get rid of stuff that can be useful. Believe me.

I struggled with getting rid of things that have a purpose. What made me finally start getting rid of those things? Well, I would ask myself some very important questions that I stuck by in order to do successful purges.

If you want to declutter your life join the Declutter My Life Challenge to help get started.

Steps to Take

Over time I have been trying to perfect how I get rid of things in my home so I can achieve minimalism perfection.

It isn’t easy and almost impossible. Which is ok.

So I have written a few posts with tips I have used to get rid of junk. Check them out:

Achieving Minimalism

There really is no easy road if you want to achieve this new lifestyle. You have to basically change your mindset. I have come to realize I will never be fully minimal but I can at least do my best to get to a comfortable point where I do not feel overwhelmed by junk in my home.

Is it for me?

I would say I have been on a good path, so far, to minimalism. Have I been completely successful? Nope, but I have been making the attempts to lessen my clutter, live more intentionally, not buy things just because I think I will use them, and try to be conscious about spending money on frivolous things. So yes, I think it is for me. I will never be perfect in the ultimate minimal lifestyle but, it is safe to say I will be able to say I am trying.

How about you? Have you been attempting this lifestyle? Do you think you could give it a try? I know it is definitely not for everyone. Let me know your thoughts!

This post may include “affiliate links,” wherein we receive a small commission if you make a purchase using the link. However, all opinions are our own and we only endorse or link to products and services that we genuinely recommend. Please see our full disclosure.

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Kim is a wife and a stay at home mom who loves spending time with her little boy. She likes managing her home and seeking out ways to improve her way of living.

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