Homemaking: How to Set Goals

Homemaking: How to Set Goals

In Baby, Budget, Decor, Family, Fun, Home, Kitchen, Organization, Organization, Parenting, Savings, Time by Kim Calderon5 Comments

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Goal setting can be easier if you have a way to plan out your goals. When you set goals you know what needs to be accomplished and know how to see them fulfilled. You can now set goals and crush them with this FREE printable. #goals #goalgetters #setgoals #settinggoals #crushinggoals

You have to accomplish a lot when homemaking. Creating a good schedule helps with the day-to-day hustle. But how are you going to know what to do and accomplish if you haven’t set any goals? When you set goals you know what needs to be accomplished and know how to see them fulfilled.

Set Goals

When homemaking, we all wish we can finish everything on our to-do lists. My issue in the past has been I have overloaded my to-dos and had no clue where to start. I then created a simple goal worksheet to help move in the direction I needed to go. I set goals by writing down everything I needed to complete by a certain time and broke it down further into achievable segments.

Setting Up Your Goals

My ultimate goal is to ensure I run a functional home. This can definitely happen as long as I set goals that relate to what makes my home functional. For instance, in most cases, I am always decluttering messes.

I would write at the top of my worksheet the goal I wish to accomplish and then I write down my deadline. In this case, I would write down that I want to declutter the whole house. I know it sounds like a big project and it sure is. Instead of running around with my head chopped off I come up with an actionable plan and break down what I need to do step by step.

Break it Down

So now you are wondering my process for breaking down a huge job for decluttering my home. Well, it is really simple. I just go room by room. On my worksheet, I write down each room that needs decluttering. I then take multiple worksheets and write down each room at the top and the deadline. From that point, I further break down what needs to be gone through in each room. It is really simple but it helps to have it all in writing so you don’t stray off.

How can this help you?

When I finally figured out a way to help with my goal setting it really helped make my home more functional. A lot more gets accomplished on a daily basis.

So how does this benefit you? I decided to share the worksheet that I use to set goals as a FREE printable. Just sign up below to get your free copy emailed to you.


Homemaking: How to Maintain the Mindset
Homemaking: How to Make a Daily Schedule
Homemaking: How to Set Up a Chores Schedule
Homemaking: How to Make a Meal Plan

This post may include “affiliate links,” wherein we receive a small commission if you make a purchase using the link. However, all opinions are our own and we only endorse or link to products and services that we genuinely recommend. Please see our full disclosure.

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Kim is a wife and a stay at home mom who loves spending time with her little boy. She likes managing her home and seeking out ways to improve her way of living.


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