Save Money Decorating

How to Save Money Decorating | 5 Questions to Ask

In Budget, Decor, DIY, Home, Organization, Projects by Kim CalderonLeave a Comment

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Have you asked yourself what it takes to redecorate your home when on a budget? Here are some great tips on how to save money decorating your home. Save Money Decor | Decorating Cheap | Decorating Cheap Apartment #decorating #savemoney #delcutteryourlife #organization #declutter

Have you ever wanted to decorate your home and realize that kind of thing costs money?  So many times I get stuck in a jam when planning my budget and realize I don’t have the funds to redecorate. Here are some great tips on how to save money decorating your home.

Save Money Decorating

What Can You Afford?

Most of us have a general understanding of what our income is and where it goes after it hits the bank. The issue when it comes to decorating is having that allocated fund for everything you need.

What I want to stress first is that it is extremely important to pay your bills before you start buying decor. I have been guilty of this and it was a hard lesson learned. I was stuck in a pinch because I saw a pretty sign at Home Goods and thought it would look amazing in my living room. Little did I realize I didn’t have enough money to pay the car insurance bill later that week.

I knew I didn’t have a lot of money to work with when I bought that sign but I gave in to impulse. In that sort of situation, I wish I had started my fund/budget for decorating and had some cash on hand.

So make sure you have the money and it isn’t reserved for the important stuff before making a purchase.

How Does Starting With Baby Steps Sound?

This is in reference to figuring out what you can afford in order to save money when decorating your home.

If you know you want to redecorate your family room but are not sure where to start financially, take a step back. Plan everything. If I would have taken my time to plan the funds necessary I wouldn’t have succumbed to impulse and purchased that sign.

I would have planned out step by step based on my budget, even if it would take a while to get everything I would need to decorate.

If you don’t know where to start when decorating your home and need a little inspiration, check out my post: Need Inspiration for Decorating?

Can You Find It for Cheap?

Price shop. Really that is what it all boils down to. If you want to save money when decorating your home you have to shop smart.

Make sure to pay attention to sales. Some great says are always after major holidays. So if you think you can hold off decorating a room until after such a time, I highly recommend you do.

Can You DIY It?

If you want to save money decorating before you purchase something new ask yourself if it can be DIY’d. In the world of Pinterest and everything DIY, most pieces of furniture, signs, simple decor have, more than likely, some kind of tutorial on how to make it yourself.

For instance, I really wanted these industrial pipe looking shelves from Wayfair but when I found out they cost over a hundred dollars my jaw dropped. What’s sad is that they were probably particle board and they just jacked up the price because they look pretty. So my husband decided to get creative. He created his own version of the shelves.

Can You Get it for Free?

Free is always a good option but you still have to be careful if it is really worth it.

A few times I have been given old decor from family because they were freshening up the look of their home or it was trash to begin with. I think sometimes I am given things because my family might think I am crafty enough to repurpose things. Which isn’t entirely true.

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Another great way to score awesome decor would be to ask if anyone is moving. I know it sounds weird, but hear me out. People that move give away so much stuff. They will usually host a yard sale before the big move. The goal of any yard sale is to 1.) Sell what you can to make a buck and 2.) get rid of it all even if you have to give it away.

This is a great opportunity to get free stuff.

I hope these tips provide you with guidance to save money decorating your home.

This post may include “affiliate links,” wherein we receive a small commission if you make a purchase using the link. However, all opinions are our own and we only endorse or link to products and services that we genuinely recommend. Please see our full disclosure.

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Kim is a wife and a stay at home mom who loves spending time with her little boy. She likes managing her home and seeking out ways to improve her way of living.

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